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/  Error with the character set on the site

Форум : Работа сайта

Название : Error with the character set on the site

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#  zrw :

24.11.10 19:27
# Good afternoon!
Sorry for english but russian characters are displayed incorrectly - only as question marks '?' in all division of the site/ Just some words are displayed correctly. I'm using IE7 and Firefox and 2 computers with the same result. Some words on each page are displayed correctly (this words are made not as pictures).

[ ????????????? zrw ? 24.11.10 19:29 ]

#  Tigl :

24.11.10 22:38
# Hello! This is a temporary problem on the site. In the next two days, everything is correct

#  zrw :

25.11.10 20:47
# Кажется, теперь проблем с кодировкой нет.